Building First-Version In-Mouth Rein Pressure Sensors
Before we get onto the topic at hand, following on from the previous post, a few more thoughts on how the pressure can be measured for the mechanical horse: 1. Measure the deflection of the horse body as an alternative method of measuring the pressure, e.g., using ultrasonic range measurements or LIDAR to map the deformation of the body to determine the location and magnitude of applied pressure. 2. Use a sock or similar pre-made (or partially pre-made) container/sleeve into which the sensor(s) can be inserted for safety/holding together and/or ease of attachment. 3. Use a single resistor in-line with the sensor, to increase the range of measurement. 4. Switch between different values of in-line resistor to improve the sensitivity at different pressure ranges. This is because the sensor is effectively being used as a voltage dividor made of the sensor and another resistor. The greatest change in voltage occurs when the other resistor is of similar resistance to the sensor. I...